laupäev, 13. aprill 2013


It has been two weeks since last update. These weeks has been full of blessings.
Internship is starting very soon and the closer it comes the more excited i am.
I am so waiting to see, how God is going to use me in this summer.
I still don´t know, where i am going to stay for this summer, but i will find out soon i hope.

Last time when i posted i could not say, how fundraising is going. Right now i can say, that it´s going well.
I have collected about 50% of needed money, but long way is still to go.
Here is a little overview
 So.This is the tricky part to get all the needed money, but i am sure, that God will provide me with everything i ever need.

Right now there is some difficulties with finding job. I need work to pay my rent for these april and may.
You can pray, that God would provide me with this.

That´s everything for now. If you want to know more you can write me on Facebook or

Stay blessed.  Bye!

esmaspäev, 1. aprill 2013

Hello friends!

It is time for a little update about how are things going.
This week has been successful and blessed.

On the last wednesday we had Ülenurme English Camp promo evening. There were many youths. Mostly non christian from Ülenurme high school. We had really great time with games, food and group time like in the English Camp.
The evening was really successful. There are 35 spots in the camps and ALL of them were filled for the end of the evening. For now there have already 41 youths who want to go.
I also had a change get to know 6-7 youths and it was amazing time with them.
I really felt like something really came alive in me. It really made me feel so happy. This is something, that i am called to do.
I am so badly waiting for this summer.

Last week i had also meeting with Koma team and our church youth leader. We spoke about what could be my goals for this summer and what i could learn so if i come back to my home church i can really begin living out what i have learned. I guess the most important thing for me is to learn how to work as a team. Usually i work alone or if i have to do something then i trust mostly myself and i believe that God can change me.

During the last week i had a change to speak to different people my story and about my summer internship. I got some supporters, what is the most important thing for now, cause there are only 5 weeks left until the end  
of the fundraising.
Right now i am collected at least 200 euros and some promises :D

So. This is my update for this week. I have really felt, that it has been so blessed week in my every part of life.

I will write you soon. Until that.
God Bless you.