teisipäev, 21. mai 2013

Hey Friends.

I thought that i will write one more blog post, before summer internship really begins. It´s so hard to believe, that it will begin in the end of this week. I am so excited.

On this Sunday 26.05.13 we start driving to Warsaw, Poland to take a train to Kiev, Ukraine. This is the place, where we meet American interns for the very first time and we will start working as a team. There will be some tasks to see, how we work as a team and we will get to know each other.

After that we will go to Czech republic and there will be training. We will learn more about English Camps and how it´s gonna work. I will be back from the trip on 06.05 or 06.05 (i am not sure). 

I am so happy to tell you, that now it´s 100% sure, that i am going to stay in Valga for this summer. I can´t wait to serve these youths there.

I am also really happy to tell you, that i have most of the support, that i need for this summer. Last week i had 900€ together. Now i believe, that there is more than 1000.

So. I am really excited and can´t wait for the end of this week. 
There is only one school day and 2 workdays left. After that i finally get out of routine.

So. These are the last news before the beginning of the internship. I am sure, that i will write you more often during the summer.
Just keep your eye on it.

Stay blessed.

kolmapäev, 8. mai 2013

Hey, Friends

It has been almost a month since last post. I am sorry for i haven´t written for long time. It has been busy month, cause i am working in Armastus (Amore) cafe now and at the same time i am going to school. So good to think, that in 3 weeks it´s all over and summer practice begins.

Two weeks ago there was a small camp with Valga youths. Vahur asked me if i could go with him and tell my story and help to lead the camp so i went. It was AMAZING time with local youths. They were in age 13-18 and some of them where not christians.

On the firs day we had some free time and i got to know most of the youths before the evening meeting. We played soccer and other sports. It was a lot of fun. Can´t remember having so much fun lately.
We had a great group conversation after every meeting with our boys group. It was great way to think again about meeting subject.I also got a new nickname "Sibula Lemps" (Onion Lemps) i have NO idea, where did it came from, but it´s pretty funny.

The Camp lasted for two days and after i came home on the sun day i was a little sad, cause they really got into my heart. Specially Kevin. Kevin is a 13 years old lazy eyed boy with a little darker skin. He was also a bit shorter, than the others. He was always so active. He was always on my tale like "Hey let´s play soccer or lets jump on trampoline. He also always wanted to speak in smallgroup meeting.
On sunday before falling a sleep at home i wished i could spend more time with the kids.

Now, about 2 weeks later i asked Vahur if there is any news about summer. He said, that its pretty sure, that i am going to spend my summer in Valga. It was the greatest news i have heard lately. It made me so happy. I can´t wait to serve the youths there.. Man i am so excited about it. This is the best place to be.

Some news about fundraising:
My fundraising has gone pretty well. I have collected about 730€ and i need more about 570€.
 This is the perfect amount of money for this summer.
There is one week left until the raising must be finished, so i need great breakthrough.

You can pray for me that God would give me the resources and everything else i need for the summer.

So. This is my update for today. Writing to you soon again.
God Bless.Bye.